MIOPS Smart+ is a camera trigger packed with lots of features and functions to match your photography style for all kinds of photography projects. Whether you spend most of your time photographing outdoors or in a studio, you’re going to be thrilled about the features offered by this little device.
The trigger comes with different modes, all of which are customizable, including Lightning, Sound, Time-lapse, Laser, and HDR. The trigger can be controlled manually or with an app. When used with the app, you get three extra shutter release settings: Press & Hold, Press & Lock, and Timed Released. It has a color LCD screen that makes it easy to navigate through all of it's settings.

The MIOPS Smart+ has seven different modes that can be selected from the trigger:
• Lightning Mode – This mode has one parameter you can vary, which is crucial for this specific type of photography, sensitivity. For taking shots of lightnings during the day, when the bolts are not as bright, you can increase the sensitivity toward 99. If the storm is very strong, the skies are dark, and you only want to catch the more intense strikes, you can adjust the sensitivity downwards.
• Sound Mode - Balloons fascinate everyone, including adults. Every child loves playing with balloons, but most of the time, they get scared when the balloon bursts. But do you know that a bursting balloon looks beautiful and you can make extraordinary images out of it when it happens? This is just an example of many possibilities when triggering your camera through the sound mode.

• Laser Mode - MIOPS Smart+ can also detect a laser beam (from a laser pen purchased separately) and trigger your flash or camera when the beam between the device and your camera is broken. To use the Smart+ in the laser mode it is best to use a laser with 5mW power which creates constant light and does not create pulse. Laser Mode has several parameters that you can change through the device or the app. The threshold level can be changed to allow for different brightness of beams. You can also adjust the delay of the trigger from 0-999 milliseconds (almost 1 second). It is also possible to change the number of frames taken once the beam is broken.

Take impossible photos by turning your camera into a high-speed capture device!
• Time-lapse Mode – This mode allows you to take a set number of exposures evenly spaced apart. It is extremely easy to configure. And, an added benefit is that if your camera is in bulb mode, you can set the length of your exposure from the trigger. This allows you to set exposures longer than 30 seconds.
• HDR Mode - Using HDR Photography, you can reveal all the details in both the shadows and the highlights in one single shot by merging multiple images taken at varied exposures.

• DIY Mode - The DIY Mode opens up all kinds of possibilities. In this mode, you can connect external sensors to your MIOPS, such as temperature, pressure, motion, etc. This mode sets MIOPS Smart+ apart from other camera remotes.
• Scenario Mode - Using the Scenario Mode you can create a custom script with up to five different steps. In each step, MIOPS can use any of the six basic modes (Lightning, Sound, Time Lapse, Laser, HDR, or DIY) or a certain amount of delay. Each step is fully configurable using the parameters of that particular mode.
If sound, laser, and lightning modes aren’t enough, you can also release the shutter with four different ways using the smartphone app (cable release, press and hold, press and lock, and timed release). These modes are self-explanatory and mean that if you have the MIOPS in your bag, you don’t need to carry around a cable release or dedicated wireless release.
MIOPS Smart+ trigger is a rugged little device that is easy to set up and use. It can be coupled to the camera or instead, joining the flash for the high-speed triggers. The free app, downloadable straight to your phone, makes it even easier to use. This tool offers as many possibilities as the creative imagination of each photographer.
Related Article: 6 Tips for Using a Camera Trigger with Sony a7II
Manuel Delgado is an award-winning photographer with a specialization in travel and documentary photography. He writes for Contrastly and is a Mentor for NGO Photographers Alliance, having led workshops in Africa with a focus on ethical and humanitarian photography. His work has been exhibited in Europe and the Americas.
Driven by an innate curiosity for his surroundings, Manuel´s process is mainly focused on capturing people in their natural environment; translating through his lens the subtle threads of daily life that are shared across cultures, borders, and races. Depicting people from diverse backgrounds, his work is united by a shared aesthetic that serves to tell each individual’s story. Manuel is currently living in Düsseldorf, Germany.
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