MIOPS-Botschafter: Meister der visuellen Kunst
Nicco Valenzuela
Nicco Valenzuela is a landscape, travel, and architectural photographer based in Quezon City, Philippines. His photographs showcase the landscapes and...
Brian Akerson
Brian Akerson is a nature and time-lapse photographer from Millington, Tennessee. Temporarily residing in Chesapeake, Virginia, Brian travels around the...
Erik Kuna
Erik Kuna is a professional photographer and photojournalist with 20 years of experience in visual storytelling. For the past 5...
Ricardo Takamura
Ricardo Takamura is a Brazil-based conceptual photographer, manifest in his night & landscape photography surreal realities that are hidden from...
Gary Cummins
Gary Cummins is an Irish photographer currently living in Toronto, Canada. His photography subjects range from astrophotography to colourful people, urban and...
Robert Hoovis
Rob Hoovis resides in SW Florida where he owns & operates a video production/photography business & has developed a passion...
James Smart
Based in Melbourne, Australia, James dips his toes into a few different types of photography. Mainly landscape, however he also explores...
Lorenzo Viola
Born and raised in northern Italy, he approaches the photographic world thanks to his father who is passionate about photography...
Entfessele deinen kreativen Geist, Fange das Unerwartete ein
MIOPS geht es nicht nur um Ausrüstung. Es geht darum, deine kreativen Grenzen zu erweitern und die Momente festzuhalten, die dir den Atem rauben. Wir glauben, dass jeder das Potenzial hat, ein Geschichtenerzähler zu sein, und unsere Produkte sind darauf ausgelegt, dich genau dabei zu unterstützen.