Blog: Unveiling the Art of Photography
7 Things That You Can do With a Wireless Camera Remote
Here are the most awesome things that you can do with a wireless camera remote. The post 7 Things That...
What is the Difference Between MIOPS Smart Trigger and Mobile Remote?
What is the Difference between MIOPS Smart Trigger and MIOPS Mobile Remote? Here are the defining differences between these two...
Capturing Lightning Strikes with Stanley Harper
Photographing weather and lightning can be fraught with peril for those who are unprepared or unwilling to be safe. If...
The Simplest Way to Produce Professional Droplet Images
Water droplet images are a sub-genre of high-speed photography, in which thousands of image makers specialize and regularly produce spectacular...
Interview With Teslarati Press Photographer Tom Cross
Learn how he got started in such a niche and impressive type of picture taking, and what equipment he uses...
How to Turn Your Regular Camera into a High-Speed Photography Equipment
Choosing a smart camera trigger with the following features can transform your regular camera into a powerful high-speed photography equipment....
How to Turn Your Smartphone into a Powerful Camera Remote
Here are 6 ways how MIOPS Mobile Remote can turn your smartphone into a powerful camera remote and take your...
What is High-Speed Photography?
Capturing blink-and-miss-it moments normally unseen by the human eye, high-speed photography freezes motion to reveal hidden detail and show split-second...
Unleash Your Creative Spirit, Capture the Unexpected
MIOPS isn't just about gear. It's about pushing your creative boundaries and capturing the moments that take your breath away. We believe that everyone has the potential to be a storyteller, and our products are designed to empower you to do just that.